Dr. Dougherty uses muscle testing (also known as Applied Kinesiology) to assess how well glands and organs are functioning in the body. Muscle testing helps patients get the maximum benefit of chiropractic treatments, by checking the glands and organs for viruses, parasites, weakness and/or vitamin deficiencies.
A Typical Chiropractic Adjustment
A chiropractor can make adjustments to a patients neck and back in various ways, the video below will demonstrate some of the chiropractic techniques that are employed in our Spokane office, the Chiropractic Life Center.
Cold Laser Therapy Video
View a short video about how cold laser therapy can be used to increase range of motion in a patient.
Surface Electromyography – SEMG
Have you ever been to a doctor who takes your blood pressure and listens to your heart with a stethoscope? The doctor does this to assess the health of your circulatory system. Chiropractors are nervous system doctors. We need to assess the health of your nervous system. Do you know that we live our lives […]
Weight Loss Tidbits
Restricting fat intake does not necessarily mean you will lose weight. Trans fats from processed foods turn on the metabolites that cause decreased metabolism and increased inflammation. This leads to diabetes. Omega-3 fats from fish oil, seaweed, flax and walnuts turns on the messages that lead to increased metabolism and weight loss. AVOID TRANS FATS […]