Lowering Blood Pressure an Easy Adjustment (06/06/07, Spokane, WA). Researchers at the Hypertension Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center are reporting stunning reductions in the blood pressure of patients afflicted with hypertension following simple and painless chiropractic care. In the study – published in the March 2, 2007 issue of The Journal of […]
The Dr. Pat Chart of Spinal Effects
The body’s inborn intelligence is capable of self-healing and self-regulating forces. However, there are forces that interfere with this process: Spinal lesions (vertebral subluxations), or physical stress on the spine and nervous system due to a fall, injury, or referred pain from the organs. Nutritional deficiencies or toxicities due to our polluted environment and unhealthy […]
Eight-Year Old’s Chronic Earaches Helped by Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is often thought of by the public only in terms of relief from back and neck pain, but doctors of chiropractic have long espoused the health benefits received by patients for a wide variety of ailments. “There are certainly no guarantees with any course of care,” said Dr. Pat Dougherty, a Spokane-based chiropractor […]
Chronic constipation second most frequent pediatric complaint
A very small study group—three infants, all under two years of age—was put into chiropractic care for periods of three weeks to three months in a controlled research project. Following the study, which was funded by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association of Media, PA, all three children showed marked improvement in their condition. “Chronic constipation […]