Nothing makes a mother feel more protective than seeing their child suffer. Few things make a child more miserable than an ear infection. Before antibiotics diseases like bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, whooping cough strep throat, and even ear infections (Otitis Media) often caused severe and lasting disabilities, or death. Antibiotic use was instrumental in reducing […]
Stretching: Fact and Fiction
Stretching has been the target of much bad information. As a child we were always told to stretch before exercise or athletic events. I remember seeing pro athletes on TV getting into a stretch position and bouncing as if they were a bobble head toy.. Even as a child, I knew my body did not […]
Suggestions for Creating Change
We all know athletes must train to improve. Our brains are no different. There are exercises for manifesting the Law of Attraction. With these exercises the person with the most clarity wins. To be most effective that clarity needs to focus on the values and beliefs you want to exhibit. Too often people focus on […]
Forbes Magazine Chiropractic and Medicare
April 20, 2014 Forbes online printed an article by Steven Salzberg that attempted to make the point that chiropractic has no basis and should be removed from the Medicare system. His byline is, “I cover pseudoscience and bad medicine, and sometimes good medicine.” Ironically, Salzberg appears to have been compelled to resort to pseudoscience himself. […]
Autoimmune disease
Most people do not understand what autoimmune disease is. Yet, about one out of every six U.S. citizens has an autoimmune disease (AID). No other place on earth has such a large proportion of diagnosed AID citizens. More than 75% of those diagnosed with an AID are women. Over 150 diseases have been classified as […]