Parasites are one of the most difficult conditions we know. They may be able to change their structure to survive and escape many kinds of treatment. They may be completely cleared from one area, say the GI tract, but still be in another area like the bile duct. The survivors then breed and start the whole process again. It may take several cultures at different times to even identify them. This is because they may be in different stages and some stages may not show up at all.
Parasites may cause a wide variety of symptoms, and even of conditions and named diseases. A partial list follows:
- itchy ears, nose or anus
- sexual dysfunction, menstrual cycle problems
- forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s Disease or mimicking symptoms, unclear thinking
- slow relexes
- loss of appetite, or voracious appetite
- yellowing of skin around mouth or face
- fast heart beats, heart or chest pain
- pain in or around navel
- eating more than normal, but still feeling hungry
- feeling like you are going to fall asleep, can hardly keep your eyes open
- blurry or unclear vision
- back, thigh, or shoulder pain
- chronic fatigue, lethargy
- numbness in different parts of the body
- burning sensation in the stomach
- drooling while asleep
- damp lips at night, dry lips during the day
- grinding teeth while asleep
- bed wetting in children
To eliminate parasites it is usually necessary to treat the body holistically. Chiropractic adjustments will enable the nervous system to respond to the health challenge with maximum efficiency. A full spectrum herbal remedy should be used to create an environment internally that the parasites find unlivable. The remedy should be taken for approximately 90 days. Enzymes should be taken during this time to aid digestion, assimilation and elimination. Enzymes between meals can help digest the invaders, their eggs and residue. Probiotics are need to reestablish the good bacteria to help eliminate the bad guys and protect the gut. Liver support and other immune support will build the immune system to help clear out the parasites. Proper stomach acid is among the best defenses against parasites, so, it may be necessary to supplement with hydrochloric acid. This especially true for the unfortunate people who have been on the “Purple Pill” or other acid blockers.
If you have parasites, then you need to detoxify. Many methods are available for this purpose. It is best to design the detox to the patient’s specific needs taking into account weak organs, heavy metal ad pesticide exposure, and any other pertinent factors.
The bottom line is that the elimination of parasites is usually successful only with a full spectrum approach.
To schedule a full system 6 interference scan of your body, and 3 part computerized nervous system scan contact our office today.
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