If it is not for the greater good, it should not be accepted, or even tolerated. Yet, we citizens of the United States have been lulled into a state of complacency that has us ignoring just about every facet of our government and its favoritism toward the few. The field of health care is one […]
Do Viruses Exist: What is Immunity and Can Vaccines Provide It
Covid has introduced a fashionable argument that there is no such thing as a virus. This includes flu and covid viruses. This view stems from the following terms. There are two main types of intracellular parasites, facultative and obligiate. Facultative intracellular parasites are capable of living and reproducing in or outside of host cells. Viruses […]
Brain Fog, More to It Than You Think!
As a chiropractor, one of the most common complaints I hear is “My brain is foggy”, or, “I lack mental clarity”. People ask if I can help them. The answer always starts with, “I can help you help yourself, but all healing starts within.” To understand how chiropractic can help with brain fog one must […]
Why I Will Stop Taking Most Insurance as of November 1st 2022
I will be taking many insurances until November. I studied long and hard to become a doctor. For some reason it appears getting a job with an insurance company has become an acceptable method of being allowed to play doctor. Back in the day this would have been malpractice. Somehow insurance companies have been allowed […]
Coronavirus and Vitamin D3
I have been on the vitamin D3 bandwagon for almost 20 years. D3 is a fat soluble hormone likely involved in over 200 biochemical interactions in the human body. That means it has numerous health benefits and the immune system is at the top of the benefit list. A 2017 Trinity College in Dublin study […]