“I use mental floss everyday, it prevents truth decay. (James Oschman)
The body has two sources of energy, communication, and control: The Living Matrix and the Nervous System the Living Matrix is a cytoplasmic matrix that contains an extracellular matrix that surrounds the cells and the nuclear matrix which is the skeleton of the cell.. It is comprised of connective tissue and cells that form a gel called ground substance. Ground substance is a vast reservoir of water and positively charged ions. There is no separation between the ground substance and its cells, thus all cells are linked electrically; meaning molecules do not have to touch to interact.
The highly ordered crystalline like ground substance of the Living Matrix is the most pervasive substance in the body. It is molecules in motion that create electromagnetic fields. The crystalline structure is a great conductor for this motion. It is a communicating continuum connecting every part with every other part. Communications are instantaneous throughout the continuum due to this interconnectivity. All systems are subsystems of the Living Matrix. The result is an extraordinary degree of flexibility, sensitivity, and responsiveness; the things that allow organisms to optimally function. All of this happens faster than a nerve impulse and is unconscious. It is the thing that connects our innate intelligence to the divinity of Universal Intelligence.
Every living system is a web where resonance/energy introduced at one spot vibrates via the Living Matrix to the entire system. Order is contagious and as it spreads throughout the matrix it has revolutionary capacities for whole person healing and the creation of new functions, structures, and order. Due to the contagion there are no local injuries and there are no local treatments.
The Nervous System is slow. It depends on the conscious mind knowing how to do something. Nerves and blood vessels do not make direct contact with cells. They supply the Living Matrix which dispenses to the cells. In the Living Matrix the body does not depend on the conscious mind. It already knows how to do things due to its communicating continuum where all parts are connected. Thus, the relatively slow Nervous System has less to do with injury than the rapidly perceiving Living Matrix. Brain waves are conducted through the liquid medium of the Living Matrix. Maybe they link the Living Matrix to the Nervous System. Or, maybe brain waves are the conscious mind that lags behind the rapid subconscious intuitive Living Matrix communication.
Many mysterious phenomena may be explained by this. Spontaneous healing and intuitive knowledge are examples. It helps us understand energy healing modalities like Chiropractic, laser, acupuncture, reflexology, reiki and more that produce patterns of electricity that run throughout the body. The Living Matrix allows the body to know before the mind can analyze and stimulate performance, Brain waves are merely a subset of the Living Matrix, and lag behind what our senses perceive as reality. It takes half a second to become conscious of something, and each second our senses pass on 11 million bits of information to our brains. A tiny fraction of these bits of information reach our consciousness. Most of the information goes directly to our unconscious mind. This is the basis and the reality of intuition. We know things slightly before the conscious mind sends the information. This means hunches may be more indicative of reality than our perceived reality because hunches and intuition have a much richer field of information to work with.
The Human Genome Project was the attempt to prove that Western medicine could develop an effective pill for each of the ~4000 conditions and diseases they have labeled. We can let go of the notion that labels are the problem and go straight to the root, inflammation. If we view inflammation as the underlying cause of all disease, or nearly all disease, we can address the root of the problem rather than try to alleviate symptoms.
Inflammation distorts the cellular architecture of the extracellular matrix, negatively affecting cell behavior. The tension changes produced in the Living Matrix affect cell communication. The Living Matrix is dependent on alkaline pH for efficiency. Inflammation creates an acidic environment that affects the availability of water and ions in the matrix. Production of new cells is compromised, then life itself is compromised. This abnormal cell behavior is the link between many ostensibly unrelated diseases and conditions.
Our bodies have a master plan ingrained in them, innate wisdom. Instantaneous communications in the Living Matrix can produce highly organized and efficient enzyme cascades of energy. Touch, light, sound, thoughts, every type of energy can be used to affect energy changes within the Living Matrix that can support innate intelligence. This is the polar opposite of the attempts of medications to override the innate wisdom of the body. Medications are a mechanistic philosophy that assumes we know better than our self-healing, self-adapting innate wisdom. Perhaps this is a reason the medical model often does not work.
The energy model of healing simply attempts to stimulate a body toward organization via the Living Matrix and the Nervous System. It does not care which specific pathways are stimulated. It trusts that stimulation by energy will lead to organization, which leads to resumed normal function. In other words, if we introduce energy into the body, then the inherent wisdom of the body will move toward organization and health.
We still must consider that, often, there are multiple factors in the healing process. Energy and its healing properties cannot be totally effective when toxic substances remain in the body, needed nutrients are missing, pathogens are present, or buried traumatic memories are running a tape loop in the brain. Consequently, as healers, we often must do more than introduce the healing energy into the body. When toxins clog the matrix functions are compromised. Drugs, health and beauty products, soaps, pesticides, heavy metals, household chemicals; as well as yeast, virus, parasites, biofilms and bacteria are all capable of interrupting a free-functioning Living Matrix and overriding innate wisdom. No matter how brilliant innate wisdom is, it needs humans to participate in healing processes by cleansing the system.
Ultimately, understanding the Living Matrix allows us to understand some mysterious energy healing interventions. Even with this understanding though, we will have to acknowledge health and wellness depend on more than an innate predilection toward health and wellness. Our free will makes us responsible for the damage we choose to do to our vessels. When we do our part the Living Matrix is there to support us.
Are you ready to feel better? Dr. Pat Dougherty is a holistic chiropractor in Spokane, Washington. He uses muscle testing to evaluate the health of every bodily system as well as food intolerances. Located at 2110 N Washington St. He can be reached by phone at the office, 509-327-4373; or on his business cell phone at 509-844-4206. It is $95 for an initial exam and insurance is not accepted.
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