The tents in the zocalo from earlier this week were gone today. The teacher’s protest is done for now. In its place today were hundreds of women in beautiful red dresses decorated with more bright colors. They were there to highlight the plight of women in Mexico where, reportedly about 10 women a day disappear or turn up dead. They have a word for that here, femicide. During the protest speeches the zocalo was absolutely packed with as many people as I could imagine, and about half of them expressing their unanimity in their red dresses.
The Zocalo is a huge square block and to see it so full of people reminded me of seeing the square in Washington DC during some of the big events of my lifetime. My Spanish is not great yet but I spent an hour listening to the speeches, because the part of learning Spanish that is hardest for me is the hearing part, the words often tend to run together. Learning the words is a bit easier. Tomorrow I start intensive one on one classes for a week. I am anxious to see how much difference that will make.
I have referenced several times since I began to write this blog the process that ultimately led to us traveling. One of the most important factors was a belief that life needs to be a process of growth. Of course, we can all grow no matter where we are, but I was strongly drawn to seeking newer challenges.
The challenges of travelling are certainly different than the challenges of being a chiropractor. I have been thrown off balance consistently since we left Spokane. Sometimes it has taken some time to find my equilibrium again. Sometimes I feel as though I have miscalculated. Sooner or later, though, I realize the misgivings and fears are the part of the process that affords the greatest opportunity for growth. I watch the resilient people in the state of Oaxaca in their consistent protests and slowly gain perspective about how minimal my challenges are.
I spend time almost every day meditating on process versus events. This helps bring me back to the essence of life. Life is not about finding myself, but about creating the person I wish to be. I am not necessarily given answers, rather life is often defined by what I do not understand and my ability get back on my feet and adapt to reality. Letting go of thoughts and emotions stops the struggle and allows the currents of unseen energies to sweep me upwards.
Buddhist thought recognizes 3 minds (I paraphrase here). Mind like a rock where thoughts are carved, allowing a person to stay angry, frightened. Mind like sand where anger and fear can be written, but when the sand shifts the thoughts are gone. Then there is the mind that lets thoughts pass through without attachment, mind like water.
The goal is to face new adversities with a mind like water (not so easy). Travel affords me many opportunities to practice. So much is new. The comfort zone of home is gone, replaced by the uncertainty of novelty. Every time I feel the anxiety of perceived difficulty is an opportunity. And, opportunity is why I am traveling.
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So glad you are allowing the adventure to unfold in all its magnificent colors, feelings, thoughts and emotions. We all need to adjust to our surroundings, our experiences, our perceptions and remain as heart centered as possible
Sending you both love and appreciation
Charles Serena River
I really enjoyed this “share” today. So much to ponder, learn and grow from. Thank you!
Thanks for the encouragement!