Most people do not understand what autoimmune disease is. Yet, about one out of every six U.S. citizens has an autoimmune disease (AID). No other place on earth has such a large proportion of diagnosed AID citizens. More than 75% of those diagnosed with an AID are women. Over 150 diseases have been classified as autoimmune. Most people buy into the belief that AID is a case of the brain and body going crazy and attacking itself. In reality, the immune system is just doing the job it has been programmed to do, clean up dead and damaged cells and their fragments.
This cell death, scientific name necrosis, is the result of chronic inflammation, infection, toxicity, and/or even nutritional excess or deficiency. Many times the necrotic cells make up organs or glands. These dead cells are released into the living matrix where the body has many methods of cleaning them up and removing them. They are removed because the immune system recognizes them as invaders that will harm the body.
Unfortunately, the same protein fragments that are being removed from the living matrix, also exist in the organs and glands they came from. The immune system has a memory. It flags invaders so that if they present again they will be cleaned up before they harm us. This is the body’s natural immune protection designed to keep us from contracting the same diseases and conditions over and over.
There is a second trigger for AID. The body makes antibodies to attack disease causing cells. In another unfortunate circumstance, the appearance of a healthy cell may be similar enough to the diseased cell to cause the healthy cell to be attacked. Vaccines appear to play a part in this process. The U.S. is by far the most vaccinated population in the world, with the most AID, even though scientific evidence lacks for the efficacy of vaccination. Medical Journals have begun to recognize and publish papers on the concept of vaccine caused autoimmunity. The product in the vaccine may cause an attack on healthy similar tissues as well as the bacteria or virus it was designed to destroy.
The question becomes what can an individual do to counteract AID effects? Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process (a supplement company) developed the concept of protomorphogens (PMG’s) more than half a century ago. PMG’s are dried organ and gland tissues. They decoy the immune system into attacking the PMG’s while the tissue at risk is provided nutrition to enable it to repair. Once the tissue is repaired and stops releasing necrotic cells into the living matrix, it is believed that the immune system will stop attacking the healthy proteins in the organ or gland at risk.
Of course, as a chiropractor I realize that any healing that takes place will be due to the nervous system functioning as close to optimal level as possible. Every organ and gland is innervated at a level of the spine. Often with a challenge to an organ or gland we find that the associated spinal nerve level is subluxated. Chiropractors correct subluxations. Sometimes the subluxations are stubborn and do not restore to normal function as quickly as we would like. Those are the times when PMG’s are appropriate and may make the difference between a subluxation that resolves and one that does not.
Please call my office if you think this scenario may apply to you. I would be happy to talk to you and schedule an appointment. No matter what your challenge is, would you rather face that challenge with a fully functioning nervous system, or with a subluxated nervous system? For an appointment call 509-327-4373. Visit my website at:
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